What is implant treatment?
Implants are structures resembling artificial tooth roots made of titanium and placed in the jawbone in order to restore the function and aesthetics of missing tooth. Titanium is a tissue-friendly material. However, implants made of titanium undergo various processes such as roughening and coating with different materials in order to cellularly adhere to the jawbone. After the implant is placed in the jawbone, it forms a special bond with the bone and attaches cellularly. When this adhesion is completed in 3 to 6 months, the process of preparing the prosthesis begins. This stage is like making a crown or bridge on a normal prepared tooth.
Implant is the prosthetic method that gives the best results in cases where bridge treatment is required but support is not desired from the adjacent teeth or there are no teeth to take support. In addition, in cases of total edentulism implants can be applied both to increase the retention of the total prosthesis Or for completely fixed prosthesis applications.
Implants are a form of treatment that can give successful results for the patient and the physician when applied with correct diagnosis and sufficient knowledge, experience, equipment. According to research, it has been shown that the 5-year success rate of implants is 95% if properly placed.